Mind on Matter

Students work in teams as chemists-in-training through a series of hands-on, guided experiments and demonstrations. This workshop is a fun and colourful exploration of the three states of matter! Get ready to do the “Matter Dance”!

Grades: Pre-K–2

Length: 45 minutes

Capacity: 30 persons


In-Person: $100

Curricular Connections:

  • Science K: Materials and Objects

    • MOK.1: Investigate the observable characteristics of familiar objects and materials in their environment.

  • Science 1: Using our Senses

    • SE1.1: Investigate characteristics of the five traditional external senses (i.e., sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste) in humans and animals.

  • Science 1: Using Objects and Materials

    • OM1.2: Examine methods of altering and combining materials to create objects that meet student- and/or teacher-specified criteria.

  • Science 2: Liquids and Solids

    • LS2.1: Investigate the properties (e.g., colour, taste, smell, shape, and texture) of familiar liquids and solids.

    • LS2.1: Investigate interactions between liquids and solids and technologies based on those interactions.


Nature and the Builder


Healthy Habitats