Healthy Habitats

What makes a habitat a home for plants and animals? Students will learn what a habitat requires to support life and how animals and plants adapt and interact to survive in unique habitats all over the globe.

Grades: Pre K–2

Length: 45 minutes

Capacity: 30 persons


In-Person: $100

Curricular Connections: 

  • Science 1: Needs and Characteristics of Living Things

    • LT1.2: Analyze the different ways in which plants, animals, and humans interact with various natural and constructed environments to meet their basic needs.

  • Science 1: Earth and Space Science: Daily and seasonal change

    • DS1.1: Compare and represent daily and seasonal changes of natural phenomena through observing, measuring, sequencing and recording.

    • DS1.2: Inquire as to which plants, animals, and humans adapt to daily and seasonal changes by changing their appearance, behavior, and/or location.

  • Science 2: Life Science: Animal Growth and Changes

    • AN2.3: Assess the interdependence of humans and animals in natural and constructed environments.)

  • Science 2: Earth and Space Science: Air and water in the environment

    • AW2.2: Assess the importance of air and water for the health and survival of living things, including themselves and the environment.

  • Science 3: Life Science: Plant Growth and Changes  

    • PL3.1: Investigate the growth and development of plants, including the conditions necessary for germination. (CP, SI) 

    • PL3.2: Analyze the interdependence among plants, individuals, society, and the environment. (CP, DM, SI) 

Virtual Workshop Supplies:

The Saskatchewan Science Centre provides everything needed for in-person workshops at the Science Centre. If you are doing this workshop virtually, you will be required to gather the following supplies ahead of time:

Each student will require:

  • Craft supplies (craft sticks, string, tape, scissors, markers, paper, etc)


Mind on Matter


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