Canadarm Challenge Activity

Canadarm Challenge Activity 

You are an astronaut on the International Space Station and need to complete a task on the outside of the space station. However, it cannot be fixed by doing a spacewalk. In this challenge, you will design and build your own version of the Canadarm. Test your invention to see if it can successfully pick up an object and move it.  

Canadarm 2 And Astronaut David Saint-Jacques

Activity Type 



7 years old +  

What You Need 

  • Markers, paints, paintbrushes, or other craft supplies to decorate your Canadarm 

  • Brass fasteners 

  • Cardboard 

  • Toilet paper rolls 

  • Skewers 

  • Tape 

  • Paper 

  • Straws 

  • Scissors 

  • String 

  • Rocks, balls, small toy or other objects  

  • Paper cups 

What You Do 

  • Imagine you are on the ISS, your job is to fix something on the outside of the space station.  

  • Your challenge using the material you have in front of you, build a robotic arm that will be able to move an object. 

  • Think about how you want your design to move and function. Draw it out on paper.  

  • Think about the materials. From the materials in front of you – which would work best for this purpose? You do not have to use all your materials.  

  • Construct your Canadarm. Be sure to test it as you go. Remember, part of the challenge is trying, rebuilding, and trying again!  

Canadarm Challenge Examples

Test and Evaluate Your Canadarm

Does it accomplish the goal of lifting an object? How much weight can it pick up? Can your design be changed to improve how it works? Is it durable? How can you make it stronger? Can it be used to hold a tool? What considerations might you have to make if you were designing a working robotic arm for a mission in space? What other reasons or situations could your design or a robotic arm be used for? 


More Information

The Canadarm is an example of what Canadians can achieve with collaboration and innovative thinking. It is landmark technological achievement and will continue to inspire future generations of Canadian scientists and engineers as they develop new technologies. Learn more about the Canadarm at the Canadian Space Agency Website.

Taking It Further 

Visit the Canadian Space Agency Junior Astronaut Program for more information about Canada’s space program and to find activities you can do at home.

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