Official Solar Eclipse Time:
9:20 AM – 11:53 AM
On the morning of Saturday, October 14, an Annular or “Partial” Solar Eclipse will pass over North America. From here in Regina, we will have the pleasure of being able to partially experience the eclipse! At maximum, the eclipse from Regina the Sun will be at 61% magnitude and 51% coverage.
An Annular Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth while at its farthest point from Earth. Because it so far away, it appears smaller than the sun and doesn’t completely cover the star.
The Sun is never completely blocked by the Moon during an Annular Solar Eclipse. Therefore, during an Annular Eclipse, it is never safe to look directly at the Sun without specialized eye protection designed for solar viewing. You can also use an indirect viewing method, such as a pinhole projector.
Solar Eclipse Cards:
Come on over and create your own Solar Eclipse Card to take home! Learn about how an Eclipse works, and be able to show your family about what you learned!
Eclipses of the Ring Light:
During a Solar Eclipse, the moon casts two kinds of shadows. A ring light and a disk of black paper can help demonstrate how these shadows are made, and how they differ from one another. Experiment with us as you learn more about Eclipses!
The RASC Regina Centre will have several different types of telescopes as well as solar glasses available to allow you to safely look at the Sun. We are approaching solar maximum so there likely will also be sunspots, plages, flares, prominences, and other features on the Sun to see.