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Virtual Family Camp-In - Rocking Geology!

Build a blanket cave, get into your comfy jammies and spend a family evening with us as we dig deep into the rocking world of geology during our Virtual Science Family Camp-in! Create your own types of rocks and discover how they form, make and enjoy an edible muddy treat, and experience a real Saskatchewan geology dig with Dr. Maria Velez and her team of students from the Geology department at the University of Regina! Included will be some additional activities you can do at home as a family to keep the fun going all weekend long!

Cost $20 ($15 for Saskatchewan Science Centre Members)


  • Zoom link will be sent by email for the Camp-In on Thursday, August 13th. The email will also include a list of materials to gather to make your own mud cake, and the additional activities.

  • Recommended for families with children ages 8 and up!

  • Only one admission is required per household/streaming device.

  • The start time is 7:00 PM Central Standard Time.

August 13

Go! Code Online Workshop - Stopwatch and Compass

August 17

In-Person Day Camp: Body Biology