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International Science Centre and Science Museum Day

In celebration of International Science Centre and Science Museum Day, we have tons of extra programming for you!

Here are all of the activities and where to find them:

1st Floor:

  • Marsh Monsters10:30am-5:00pm
    • Wascana Park is home to lots of creatures, big and small… and sometimes REALLY small. See how many of those really small creatures you can find using a microscope!
  • Good Foundations/Structures at 10:30am, 1:30pm, and 3:30pm
    • ***Sign up at front desk required! Limit to a total of 30 participants*** Explore different types of ground that shelters can be built on and see if you can build a shelter that will survive the difficulties that arise.

 2nd Floor:

  • Make a Water Filter (AgGrow Bistro at 10:30am, 1:30pm, and 3:30pm) ***runs for an hour
    • Access to clean water is incredibly important for survival. Using basic materials, how clean can you get our dirty water?

 3rd Floor:

  • Glow Germ (3rd Floor by Building Connections) 10:30am-5:00pm
    • Test out your hand-washing skills as we try and find how many pretend germs you may be leaving behind.
  • Concussion Goggle Bowling (LWJ) 10:30am-5:00pm
    • Brain injuries can affect all of your senses, even if you don’t realize it at the time. We’ll be simulating a brain injury and seeing how much it impacts your bowling game.
November 9

After Dark Film Series: Mean Girls

November 11

2pm Family Activity: Current Temperatures